Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mexico City Marathon and Bicentennial Celebration!

Buenos Tardes-

It's been so long since I've posted, I'm sorry! I just haven't been motivated for some reason...I decided that I will post at least one day every week, that day being Mondays, so that way everyone can expect a new post on that day! 

Let's see, what have we done since I last wrote...

Corey got back from his trip on Friday morning, and we went out to dinner at a wonderful restaurant on Saturday night for my birthday. We went to a place called Jaso in Polanco, very tasty and a great atmosphere. I had a Cucumber Martini (their "house" drink) and it was the best thing I've ever tasted! Corey and I both enjoyed our meal, and we look forward to taking some of our visitors there! 

On Sunday morning we woke up and realized that the Mexico City Marathon was going on and the runners were running right past our apartment! We went down with Avery and our coffee, and watched thousands of people run by. It was amazing to watch! We think there were approximately 18,000 runners in the marathon. I can't get the video to upload for this post, but I'll do it next time. If you didn't believe there were over 20 million people in this city...the video will make you believe :)

What else...

Corey and I have started a Monopoly playing trend (we play at least once a day) and I'm getting pretty good! I even beat him once! I never realized how much strategy there is to that game... :) 

Lastly, the Mexico City Bicentennial is happening tomorrow, and we're going to walk about a mile to the Independence Statue on Reforma (one of the major roads that connects towns/neighborhoods in Mexico City) and watch some of the festivities! I hope to get some great pictures! It should be a pretty wild night to observe, and definitely something fun to be a part of! 

This is all for now, I'll be back to post soon! Promise!

1 comment:

  1. WOW: you guys sure are having a great time. that wood intarsia(I think thats the proper word) sculpture is really bitch"n(thats a word from the 60's for all of you youngsters... I mean REALLY REALLY GREAT!!!!!! what excellent taste. I miss you guys... be safe!! Dad
