Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Blog!

Good Evening!

I can't believe I almost forgot to post on my scheduled day to post! My Corey is back in Minnesota this week for work, he gets back on Thursday afternoon. Avery and I are keeping the place together, once again! We had a good day today, we went for a long walk (a little over 2 miles) this morning, I made some earrings this afternoon, I went for my own long walk this afternoon (2.5 miles, daily total: 4.7 miles!) then we hung out this evening. Pretty chill day. Although one of these days, it's going to be my deep cleaning fun!

So in my last blog I forgot to write about the Bicentennial Celebration here in Mexico City! Corey and I left the little one in her kennel and walked about a mile and a half to this street called Reforma, which is a major road in Mexico City. Along Reforma, they have many statues, including their Independence statue. At this roundabout, they had a massive stage set up, with large TVs on the sides and down the street and everything. It was actually a pretty subdued night, we were there for about an hour. We saw some good performers, and although we couldn't name them we were told they were really famous. Once we left, we got home to be with Avery just in time for the fireworks on TV! We could see several displays from our bedroom, but they were mostly all just red green and white. The most amazing fireworks were in the Zocalo, which unfortunately we couldn't see from our room. We watched them online, and boy they were serious about their fireworks this year! They were amazing! We heard Mexico City spend over a million dollars on the fireworks, and it showed! Next year we might have to go to the Zocalo! It was fun to see the fireworks with Avery though, they were her first that she saw, and I think she enjoyed them! 

I think Corey, Avery and I are finally going to be making our first trip to Acapulco this next weekend! We're excited to explore the beach town, and get some time in the sun! I'm trying to convince Corey to stop by Taxco on our way back; it's an old silver mining town, famous for their silver and jewelry! Anyways, hopefully I'll have lots of pictures from that trip for the post next Monday! Until then...enjoy September!


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