Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buenos Dias!

Sorry it's been so long since I've me lazy! We have been settling into life in Mexico more and more, and it's really starting to feel like home now, with a routine and everyt
hing! I've taken to late morning walks with Avery exploring the area and getting her out, she doesn't always make it the whole way but I just figure it gives me more exercise carrying her when she needs it :).

Corey has been venturing out more and more, making customer visits, and even a day trip to another city, so Avery and I have been managing more and more on our own. It's been pr
etty relaxing for me, I've been doing lots of reading (in a week and a half I went through 4 books) and some cleaning every day. It's funny, when I was working, I didn't look forward to all. I really disliked it. Now that it's my job, I find it kind of rewarding and therapeutic. I have a sort of routine with these chores as well. For the mean time, we have decided against hiring a maid to come in once a week, sinceI have plenty of time on my hands, and I find that I KIND of like to do most of it.

In Minnesota, 3 hours of driving will get you from the Twin Cities to Duluth. The other night, we spent 3 hours on an errand run to Best Buy. Of those three hours, we were in the store for a total of 15-20 minutes. Gotta love rush hour traffic in Mexico City!

Finally, I've got some pictures to post and a video for you all to enjoy of Avery right after a bath. She got *little* excited! We thought it was pretty cute.

Above are pictures of Corey and myself with our 9 checked bags and 4 carry-on bags, including one dog.

On a clearer day, you can see the mountains from our apartment. The pictures above caught a glimpse of the mountains I thought was pretty nice.

Finally, this is the video of Avery. She is definitely an energetic ball of fluff sometimes!

This is it for today; perhaps I'll have morestories after our venture to Costco and the fruit/vegetable market tomorrow!

Until then,

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