Today we visited our first fruit and vegetable market here in Mexico City!
The market was really neat, lots of great fruits and spices and different kinds of food/merchandise and the fruit and veggies were all so CHEAP! We could really save some money by getting these things at the market rather than the grocery store! Corey and I both tried some new fruits, one called Tuna (at least that's the way it sounds like it's spelled!) and some others that I can't remember the names of, but they were delicious!
We also got up early and went for a nice long walk this morning with Avery, and I only had to hold her twice for a few minutes each! (Since she is still pretty small, her little legs can't make it more than 15 minutes at a time usually, but we're building her endurance!) After our walk, she got a bath, and went crazy again. As a side note, she's teething now, and not seeming interested in her dry food lately, so I've been giving her ice cubes to help with the tee
thing pain, and I swear she thinks it's a new toy each time. She holds it in her mouth as long as she can, then drops it on the floor, and tries to put her paw on it, and the ice goes flying. So I end up watching her chase an ice cube all around this floor of the apartment! She is very entertaining, we are extremely happy we have her with us!
Those of you that know us know that we have a slight "Office" addiction, as in the TV show. I don't think there is an episode that exists that Corey has seen fewer than 4 times, and could quote line by line. So we have decided to broaden our horizons, and found a new show. We are almost through Seasons 1 and 2 of Entourage, and will quickly probably get caught up on this show. If anyone has suggestions for new shows after Entourage, please let us know!!
We have two quick tips today, since I've been slacking on the last few posts.
1) DO NOT LOSE YOUR BOLETA (ticket). In most parking ramps or lots of major retail stores, you have to get a ticket when you enter, and most times can get it stamped inside so it's free. Sometimes they charge you 3 pesos (currently 13 pesos equals $1 dollar) or some other negligent amount. However, if you LOSE your ticket before you exit the ramp/lot, you have to pay a set fee (in our particular occurrence I believe it was 80 pesos) and they take down your license number and it is a big hassle. So when you come visit, don't lose your boleta!
2) I mentioned that we moved to Mexico City during the rainy season. Corey said this yesterday, and so far it seems to be true..."The nicer the day/morning starts out, the harder the rain in the afternoon)". If you come visit between June and August, bring your umbrellas! (Or you can always buy one from the street vendors, they are always more than willing to sell you something!)
Lastly, we have a few pictures from the market today.

Sweet dreams everyone!
Um, Amy, all I am going to say for your series after Entourage is: True Blood & Weeds. ESPECIALLY Weeds Season two? being in Mexico. I think you will really enjoy it. You can thank me later. ;o)