Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wow what a day so far. Just got back from a trip to drop off some papers so that we can get our shipment (speculation is that we get our things early next week!) and it was a ride of a life. See, the freeways here have exits that just veer off the freeway, and when they have a light, the cars get backed up on the freeway. So we were driving probably 50mph and trying to follow the GPS to see which exit we were supposed to take and all the sudden about 20 feet in front of us there is a STOPPED car. We missed hitting it, thankfully there was no car in the lane to the left of us and we were able to swerve over, but it left us both a bit shaken! Then, when we were in the neighborhood of our destination, trying to find the building, we were driving slowly up a street, and one of the city buses decides to pass by the cars in its lane and drive in OUR lane...TOWARDS us. The OPPOSITE way of traffic. "Oh, no, please, Mr. Bus...feel free to own the road. We were always watching to see what you would do and make sure we were not in your way." Geez. Stupid Mexico City driving. So glad I'm not driving here!

Quick tip:

We discovered this past Monday when we tried to go out for dinner that apparently Monday is NOT the night to eat out. We tried 3 restaurants before we found one that was open to the public and serving food and not just bar menu. We found it pretty comical.

One more thing...I'm pretty proud about this so I am going to brag for one sentence, but since we've been in I like to try to cook more intricate things than usual. Last night, I made a mean homemade lasagna with chorizo and goat cheese, among the other usual ingredients. Pretty yummy, if I do say so myself!

This is all!

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