I'm sorry to my 8 declared followers for taking so long to post a new blog, I was waiting to get some photographs uploaded before I posted a new blog. BUT! Photos are up, and the blog may resume! We've just been hanging around the house, getting things unpacked. We've done a little bit of shopping for decorations and furniture that we need, slowly but surely the house is coming together!
We got the cable to work late last week, and to be honest, I haven't missed it. We've been watching a few episodes of Entourage or the Office a day usually, but we've gotten caught up on Entourage (any other suggestions for shows to follow? We know about Mad Men, are considering it...anything else?!) and we've seen the Office (all episodes) probably 10 times a piece. Anyways, point is, I think I can do just fine without TV. The other night, I FINALLY got Corey to play a game with me, instead of sit in front of the television at night. We played a game of Scrabble, and halfway through he mentioned that he was glad I got him to play, that he was enjoying it! Men out there...women know best! If you all know of any other great two person games, let me know! Corey will be home next week, and I'm going to send him with a list of things to get and bring back, so let me know about games!
Also, when we got our things, I got all my beads :) There are tons...I forget/don't realize how much I have! But I couldn't find the pliers that I use for making jewelry, so yesterday I found a craft store online that's not far from our house that we are going to go check out today. I'm so excited to be able to start creating again!
Now for the photo section!
Lillies are my favorite flower, and there are flower stands every few blocks around our house. Care to guess how much a large bouquet of crimson colored lillies cost? About $5. It's fantastic! Fresh flowers every week around our house!

Avery and I were sitting on a bench (part of our daily routine in the dog park, she loves the fresh air and people/dog watching!) in the dog park when we saw this HUGE dog. Every once in a while, you'll see some dog that seems more like a horse, they are so big. This one was skinny, non-horselike, but still, very tall. I wonder how you prevent dogs like this from picking food right off the counter/table?!

Every few blocks around the neighborhood, there are these bike stands, with all sorts of bikes for rent. We haven't entirely figured out how to get the card and use the system yet, but we will get it one of these days! It's a great way to get around the neighborhood when you get sick of walking!

The other day, Corey accompanied myself and Avery on a walk around Avenida Amsterdam, and we came across this "emergency vehicle". In case you can't see it, this old station wagon is called the "Love Ambulance" and is complete with lights and sirens and all! Parked outside the Magic Remedies shop...
And finally...my favorite photo. One day Corey and I were out walking and discovered this pet shop that sold these bones that are just GINORMOUS. We decided that our spoiled dog MUST have one. This is the second biggest bone they sell, and it's about a foot and a half or two feet long. Avery wasn't sure what to do with it at first, but she has it all figured out now! We got it for a joke, but she actually chews on it when we're upstairs hanging out! It should last her at least the rest of the time we're in Mexico, we think!
This is all for now, I'll post more soon! Thanks for reading, and let me know about the games and any great TV series!
Play Taboo!! That dog is huge and awesome.
ReplyDeleteChess....you're both smart, creative, playful, aggressive( a little), and maybe a little devious( on the rare occasion), inventive,careful, the perfect qualities of a chess match!!! it isn't as hard as you might think,( at least at the beginning!!)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah... I think that was a horse. they breed them to look like dogs, so they can keep them in their apartments!! Avery does look pretty fine alll foo fooed up!!!!