Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello All!

We DID get our things yesterday, bright and early and RIGHT on time (how weird for Mexico?!) at 8:30 yesterday morning. The movers were gone by noon, and I was left with 30 boxes worth of things to put into place! Thankfully they took all the boxes, I was just left with the things inside! It's nice to have some things back, like photos and other decor, our bed sets and the towels I bought before we moved! Plus all the other kitchen utensils/ we're ALL moved in! At least with what we have now...we still need to get some furniture (we found dining chairs, we'll have those in a few weeks) like bedside tables, a bed frame for us, coffee tables, rugs, decorations, but I have a feeling we're going to go VERY slowly! Corey is going to take some convincing :)

Speaking of Corey, he had to leave EARLY this morning for an emergency work trip, he'll be gone til Friday afternoon. By which time, the six loads of laundry that came in the shipment in the form of towels will be done (at 5 hours running time each!) and the clothes from the shipment will all be put away, the dishes all done, and most things in their place. It will keep me busy, which is good. But for now, I am procrastinating. Which is so unlike me! I spent the morning going out running errands like looking at furniture stores (when the cat (Corey) is out, the mice (me) will play (or shop)!) and getting Avery a bigger dog bed (she's growing so much! She looks more and more like a dog every day, less like a puppy :( ) and some quick grocery shopping. Lots of walking! But, I think I came up with all those errands to put off unpacking.

I suppose I should get to it!

Also, GO VIKINGS! Welcome back Brett, glad to have ya!

Until later,

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